Monday, May 03, 2004

TOPIC: Heroes...

You want a hero?...look no further than Pat's a stud who stood up for his convictions...a pro football player who left a LOT of money on the table so he could go serve our country in the war against terrorism...he had been playing for the Arizona Cardinals when 9/11 happened...he was so moved by this tragedy that he gave up his career in football to serve in the easy would it have been to live the good life while playing a game he had loved?...very...but he chose the hard road and ultimately paid the price of his life, dying last week...the thing that most stood out to me in the life of this man was the fact that he never talked about what he was doing...he could have gotten on his soapbox and said, "Hey! Look at me! I'm a great American because I'm giving up millions of dollars to join the military. What a great guy I am!"...but he didn't...he did it quietly...he just served and gave his life for something he believed in...are you?...

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