Sunday, May 09, 2004

TOPIC: Garage(less) Sale...

Just had a fundraiser yesterday for our youth was a Garage(less) Sale (since we don't have a garage)...people from the church donated all sorts of crud and we sold it, with the proceeds going to the mission trips we will take this summer...went quite well...made over $2,500.00...I'm not gonna' complain about that...I do have to say that garage salers are absolute nuts!...we weren't going to start the sale until 8:00am, but we had people scoping stuff out and claiming it as early as 6:30am...the truck wasn't unloaded and the stuff didn't even have prices on it yet!...finally, by 7:30am, I was kneeling in our parking lot with a line of 20-30 people making up prices and just selling was insane!...but it made money, so that's all that matters...

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