Monday, April 18, 2005

Pray for J.

The coolest thing happened to me the other day...I was in the middle of my Saturday morning ritual: eating donuts and drinking coffee while reading at the local donut of the girls that works there - we'll call her J. - approached me and asked if she could interrupt me...I told her to go ahead and have a seat, which she did...she said, "I know I don't know you very well, but I can tell you are a strong Christian, so I want to know if you would pray for me."...that about blew me away!...I don't know that anyone has come up to me, relatively out of the blue, and told me that they could tell I was a Christian, let alone a strong Christian...I feel pretty humbled by that...anyway, to continue with the story, J. filled me in on a lot of crud that she is having to deal with right now, which I won't get into...I told her I would pray for her and check in with her in 2 weeks (I won't be at the donut shop next week, as I'll be at Ichthus) if you are reading this and are the praying sort of person, please pray for J....she could use it...

1 comment:

K said...

She is in my prayers. As bloggers all over read this and pray, I would love to hear of the miracles God has in store for the girl who reached out to Him through you. God is so good and he has a wonderful servant in you.