Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wassup! Revisited

A friend from my Asbury days let me know via Facebook that a radio station in the Lexington, KY area got a hold of this video that I produced while at the 'bury. Apparently, they have been playing it quite a bit on the radio, and according to my friend, it is "the talk of the town." I put the video together for a social function we had called The Night of Classic Game Shows as a commercial break. I figure this is a good excuse to resurrect it. This features some of the prominent Asbury professors, plus the seminary president at the time. Enjoy!


DGH said...

Yeah I love that video! Now, I want them to give yo some props and money for the rights usage! heh

Izzie said...

can you get me the NAMES of these profs so if I have their class, I can be like, "Wassssup?!?" to them? That'd be awesome. Actually, now I'm kind of scared to go to Asbury. 0__0

Fitz said...

You're right, DG, I need some straight cash, homey!

In order of their appearance, the professors are:
-Dr. Ellsworth Kalas, preaching professor and acting President
-Dr. Wang, NT professor
-Dr. Chuck Killian, preaching professor
-Dr. David Thompson, IBS professor
-Dr. Maxie Dunnam, then President and now Chancellor

And BTW, it looks like the publicity on said radio station in Lexington has brought some people to the site to view it. It has now been viewed over 2,800 times. Thanks non-named radio station!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! At the Arkansas Annual Conference in 2004 an unnamed Asbury rep said "Here's a funny video we produced..." at our alumni lunch. No props to Fitzie.

Can you upload "1-800-ATS-HOOKUP?"


Fitz said...

I'll see what I can do...

Anonymous said...

Oh Mike, the tears that are streaming down my cheeks and shorting out my computer.

You are like a young Spielberg....

Todd R.

Brian Vinson said...

HAHAHAHAHA That brought back a lot of memories. Great stuff!

I'm sitting here in my office, having laughed so hard I'm crying.