Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I Am Convinced!

  • I am convinced that diaper rash is the worst plague known to man. Colin has a severe case of it right now and is completely miserable. He woke up this morning screaming and crying like I have never heard him before. And changing his diaper when he has The Plague is an adventure, and not a fun one. I guess I'll be heading to the drugstore later to find a better treatment for it.
  • I am convinced that being a dad is the best thing in the world!
  • I am convinced that Roger Clemens is the worst teammate in Major League Baseball. He is no more than a mercenary. When he announced his return to the Yankees, he spoke of how glad he was to be back in NY. Well, sure he was. They threw more money at him than did Boston or Houston. If one of those teams had given him more money, he would have been thrilled to be there, too. But what kind of teammate demands to be able to go home whenever he wants? It's one thing to want to spend time with your family, but for $28 million, I think you could maybe buy them a nice home in NY so you could be with them. And he doesn't just use that privilege to spend time with his family. He also uses it to play golf, according to his former manager Phil Garner. I would rather have a teammate that is committed to the team than one who is no more than a hired gun who can show up late and leave whenever.
  • I am convinced that MLB teams are doing the right thing by banning alcohol from their clubhouses, in light of the death of Cardinals pitcher Josh Hancock. I know, he didn't get drunk at the stadium, but why even have alcohol there? What other employer offers beer to their employers at their place of employment after a long day? None! Some - Colin Cowherd and Mike Greenberg on ESPN Radio - say that this is the wrong approach, that we need to stress personal responsibility instead. That's fine, but why put the temptation there for anyone that may be struggling with it? We might as well offer betting slips in the clubhouse but make sure we stress responsibility. Give me a break! I know that alcohol is legal, but also very damaging to many people. Get it out of the clubhouse.
  • Speaking of ESPN, I am convinced that they are coming close to losing me as a fan of their establishment (I know, it would crush them to know this). It ticks me off that more and more of the articles that they posy online are only available to Insiders, which means paying X amount of dollars for the inside scoop. I know they are in the business of making money, but they won't make my money this way. I'll look at a different website instead.
  • I am convinced that the local media in Cape Girardeau is too self-important. A couple of examples to prove my point. One, every time there is any kind of severe weather, the local TV station breaks into regular programming every few minutes for special updates, instead of breaking in once and then having the little map on the screen showing affected areas or the ticker at the bottom of the screen. For some reason, they feel it is vital to show off their triple doppler whatever and let Mom and Pop in Podunkville know that it will be raining in their neighborhood in seven minutes. And two, are there that many people in this area that care about SEMO baseball? While listening to the NFL Draft a couple of weeks ago, they were early in the broadcast of the first round when the local sports station cut away for a SEMO baseball game. OK fine, you have a contract with SEMO, but have the foresight to know when the second biggest day of the football season is so you don't have to cut away. Geez! And finally, when the shooting tragedy happened at Va Tech, and all of the national news programs were having special one-hour broadcasts instead of their normal half-hour programs, the local station cut away from the coverage to do their local news program. I know, local news is important, but I think that event takes precedence.
  • I am convinced that British TV is better than American TV. OK, so maybe just the few programs I have watched have been better - thanks, Oral - but they sure seem better. My current favorite is Life on Mars. Other favorites have been , The Office (British version), Cracker and Dr. Who.
Enough ranting for now. I'm sure Colin will be waking up soon. Must be ready...


kate said...

Even though you just ranted on this post, it makes me excited to see you this summer. I should be in your neighborhood a few weeks before your trip and then again almost right after. It will be nice to catch up.

DGH said...

wow...I just wish you would give us a piece of your mind

Fitz said...

I know. I should be more transparent with my feelings. :-)

Michel said...


Not a parent, seasoned babysitting Uncle on Call for my sister. Best thing for diaper rash is a bath every time you need to change the diaper. It's taxing but it makes the situation easier.


Anonymous said...

Yay Life On Mars!

Hope the little man is feeling better... did the new medicine work?

Fitz said...

The boy is doing much better!

Anonymous said...

skip using any form of baby wipes even for senstitive skin. replace by using Preparation H or Tuck wipes that have the witch hazel and aloe in them. Generics are fine as they are a bit more pricey. Then use the Baby Aveeno Diaper Cream. Once the area has calmed down, you can just use a plain wet paper towel and the cream and it will be fine. I have seen the area improve within 24-28 hours.

Anonymous said...

Fitz, please leave Cape at the soonest possible opportunity and for God's sake GO BACK TO OHIO!!! You will only drive yourself crazy complaining about the local media, etc. and none of your favorite sports teams will be moving to St. Louis. If you're not where you are, you're no place (to quote Sherman T. Potter from "M*A*S*H*).

Fitz said...

Hey Anonymous, if you're going to ask me to vacate this town, then at least say who you are. Sheesh!

And BTW, nice job commenting on a post that is eight months old.